Is it correct to say...

J'aime (e accent aigu)couter la musique morderne mais je n'aime pas (e accent aigu)couter le jazz.

Meaning I like to listen to modern music but I don't like to listen to jazz?

is it grammtically correct?

3 answers

And is there such thing as j'aime beaucoup? as in J'aime beaucoup le sport?
Yes, that's right. You can say it that way. And if you wanna say 'I really like' you say 'J'aime beaucoup' (le sport).
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Looking at what you posted first, check the spelling of moderne (morderne) Then it will be perfect.

Yes, J'aime correct but you must finish with the thing(s) you like! Otherwise it is not a complete sentence. When you get to object pronouns, then you can say "it" = I like it a lot = Je l'aime beaucoup.
