Three bells (I am Aground)
rapid bells for five seconds
Three bells (I am arground)
That is what I remember. I couldn't find it online, and most of my references have been boxed away.
IRPCS - Vessel over 100m aground in fog - sound signals.
IRPCS does not make it clear, it seems open to interpretation.
3 strokes of bell/bell 5s/gong 5s/3 strokes of bell
3 strokes of bell/bell 5s/3 strokes of bell/gong 5s
Thank you
2 answers
That clarified it to me. If you are aground, three bells, rapid ringing, three bells.
If you are aground and have dropped an anchor, you add the gong. You can add the whistle.
When one is aground, in a ship of over 100ft, life is complicated. Make as much noise as you can, in Fog. One doesn't want to add to the woes.
Thank God for GPS, radar, and radios.
If you are aground and have dropped an anchor, you add the gong. You can add the whistle.
When one is aground, in a ship of over 100ft, life is complicated. Make as much noise as you can, in Fog. One doesn't want to add to the woes.
Thank God for GPS, radar, and radios.