Instructions: Select the incorrect words in the paragraph.
They were is driving down a small road in the countryside in India when they were saw the elephants. At first they didn't not understand what was there happening. A large group of elephant calves was were lying in a heap, to waving their trunks around. As they got to closer they did started to smell the fermented marula fruit. The elephants were drinking drunk!
I deleted all the mistakes. So I get this paragraph
They were driving down a small road in the countryside in India when they saw the elephants. At first they didn't understand what was there happening. A large group of elephant calves were lying in a heap, to waving their trunks around. As they got to closer they started to smell the fermented marula fruit. The elephants were drunk!
3 answers
They were driving down a small road in the countryside in India when they saw the elephants. At first they didn't understand what was there happening. A large group of elephant calves were lying in a heap, to waving their trunks around. As they got to closer they started to smell the fermented marula fruit. The elephants were drunk!