Outline of my speech on Aggressive Driving. Is this correct?

Topic- Aggressive Driving
•Road Rage
oInjuries and deaths
oIncreasing road rage
oGrowing epidemic
•Aggressive Driving
Verbal Road Rage
Quiet Road Rage
Epic Road Rage
oMost people have committed
aggressive driving at one time
oCrashes caused by aggressive
violent drivers
o90% have experienced aggressive
driving incident
oNo one profile of an aggressive
•Encountering Road Rage in a Positive
oProtecting yourself
Don’t block the passing lane
Don’t tailgate-Maintaining a safe
Use your turning signal
Don’t make rude gestures
Don’t blow your horn in anger
oSenseless acts can be prevented
oInnocent lives can be saved

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
13 years ago

There seems to be too much info being crammed into the introduction. You don't need to include the details of your paper in the intro -- that's what the body of the paper is for.



I can't tell where each part of the body of the paper starts or ends. Please re-post and put an extra space (hit the Enter key an extra time) between the end of one section and the beginning of the next. Thanks.

User Icon for lizzie lizzie answered
13 years ago

I am so confused!! This is what I was working on last week. I am to write a 5 minute speech. Would this below work for my speech instead of the outline? I just need to have an organizational worksheet. This is what I was going to use for my speech.

Also I know you said to get rid of the word "you" but I am not sure how I would do that when I am speaking to the audience.

Aggressive Driving


• How many of you have turned on the news or opened a newspaper to find that another human being was seriously injured or killed over an aggressive driving incident that turned to road rage?
• Many of these injuries or deaths could have been easily prevented if not for enraged dangerous behavior called road rage. The aggressive driving tendencies caused by road rage have majorly increased in the last several years on our roadways.
• There are many causes for the increase of aggressive driving, and statistics are showing that it has become a growing epidemic across our country, but convincing drivers that there are better ways to handle road rage in a positive way is a different story.

1. Definition
• Aggressive driving or road rage is defined as angry behavior by a driver of a motor vehicle. Such behavior might include rude gestures, verbal insult, deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner, or making threats. (Wikipedia)
• There are several types of road rage:
 Verbal Road Rage-behaviors such as yelling, swearing, gesturing, honking, and insulting.
 Quiet Road Rage-complaining, rushing, competing, and resisting.
 Epic Road Rage- cutting off, blocking, chasing, fighting, and shooting.

• Today so many drivers are multitasking by either talking on a cell phone, reading, texting, eating, putting on makeup, and a lot of other things while trying to operate their vehicle. This is causing other motorist to become very angry because that driver does not have their full attention on the road.

• Many of us have done some form of aggressive driving while on the road but we never even realized that the acts we were committing were a form of road rage.

2. Statistics of Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

• “AAA uncovered 10,037 crashes caused by violent aggressive driving between January 1, 1990 and August 31, 1996. At least 218 men, women and children were killed as a result of these incidents and another 12,610 were injured. The problem is national in scope, not
just a phenomenon of congested urban areas.”(The Mizell Report)
• “A recent study conducted by the AAA Foundation found that nearly 90% of us have experienced an aggressive driving incident in the past twelve months.” (The Subcommittee on Surface Transportation)
• Although the majority of the aggressive drivers are between the ages of 18 and 26, there is no one profile of the so-called “aggressive driver”, there are hundreds of cases ranging from 26-50 years old. Mizell & Company all reports about 90 cases from January of 1990 to September 1, 1996 of 51 to 75 year old with aggressive driving.
• Whether you were a victim of aggressive driving or the aggressor, road rage does not have to continue to be a growing epidemic.

3. Encountering Road Rage in a Positive Way

• The best way to break this continuing epidemic is to learn how to protect yourself from such dangerous behaviors. The key is staying focused on your own driving and ignoring the other driver’s antics.
• There are several ways to help in preventing some of these incidents:
 Don’t block the passing lane-Move over
 Don’t tailgate-Maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you can help prevent some of the altercations that have occurred.
 Use your turning signal- This allows other drivers to know what your intentions are.
 Don’t make rude gestures- The obscene gestures have caused some of the most severe road rage incidents. If you don’t use them it lessens the possibility of anything occurring
 Don’t blow your horn in anger-It can set off an already stressed out driver

• Remember there are better ways to handle the increase of road rage and this growing epidemic must come to an end, because too many lives are being lost over such senseless behavior. These innocent lives can be prevented if you just respect the rules of the road. So the next time someone does something on the road that is a form of aggressive driving, don’t react. Just kill them with kindness, not a motor vehicle!!

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
13 years ago

Aha! A speech -- that's different!

Hold on while I read it over. =)

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
13 years ago

"This is causing other motorist" ~~> I think you mean "motorists" (plural), right?

"behaviors such as yelling..." ~~> "behavior" (no plural form for this noun)

“AAA uncovered..." ~~> The first time you use any abbreviation or acronym, you need to give the full name. Here's an example:
"AAA [the American Automobile Association] uncovered..."

"Whether you were a victim..." ~~> rephrase: whether someone was a victim...

Another suggestion for rephrasing:
The best way to break this continuing epidemic is for all drivers to learn how to protect themselves from such dangerous behavior. The key is for each driver to stay focused on his or her own driving and ignore the other driver’s antics.

How can you rephrase this and the other 5 instances of "you" in your speech?
"distance from the vehicle in front of you"

User Icon for lizzie lizzie answered
13 years ago

How does this look? Better?

• There are several ways to help in preventing some of these incidents:
 Don’t block the passing lane-Move over
 Don’t tailgate-Maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front of the car can help prevent some of the altercations that have occurred.
 Use your turning signal- This allows other drivers to know what the drivers intentions are.
 Don’t make rude gestures- The obscene gestures have caused some of the most severe road rage incidents. Not using these gestures can lessens the possibility of anything occurring
 Don’t blow your horn in anger-It can set off an already stressed out driver

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
13 years ago

Use your turning signal >>> ??

Don’t blow your horn in anger >>> ??

Everything else looks good.

User Icon for lizzie lizzie answered
13 years ago

Now how do I transfer this info to notecards. Do I only write parts?

User Icon for lizzie lizzie answered
13 years ago

Don't blow horn in anger

Use the turn signal

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

Yes, the outline of your speech on aggressive driving looks correct. It is clear and covers the main points you want to address. Here is a breakdown of the outline:

- Introduce the topic of aggressive driving
- Mention the problem of road rage, its consequences (injuries and deaths), and the increasing prevalence of road rage incidents

Aggressive Driving:
- Define aggressive driving
- Discuss different types of aggressive driving, such as verbal road rage, quiet road rage, and epic road rage
- Highlight the issue of multitasking while driving
- Mention the fact that most people have engaged in aggressive driving at some point in their lives

- Provide statistics on crashes caused by aggressive and violent drivers
- Mention the high percentage (90%) of people who have experienced an aggressive driving incident
- Emphasize that there is no specific profile for an aggressive driver

Encountering Road Rage in a Positive Way:
- Provide strategies for protecting yourself from road rage incidents
- Discuss prevention methods like not blocking the passing lane, maintaining a safe following distance, using turning signals, avoiding rude gestures, and not honking in anger

- Emphasize the importance of preventing senseless acts and saving innocent lives through addressing aggressive driving
- Summarize the main points made in the speech

Overall, this outline provides a clear structure for your speech on aggressive driving, and it covers the important aspects of the topic.