Instructions: Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

My answers are with capital letter

My friend Roger …will or USE TO …always ask me about his computer.
I .. USED TO or use to …try to help him out.
He use to or WOULD … go on and on and not get to the point.
I didn't used to or USE TO… know much about different programs or how to use them fully.
I USE TO or would … spend a lot of time trying to find answers on the internet.
It USED TO BE or wouldn't be … such a waste of time, that I took a course.
Believe me I didn't use to or WOULDN'T…. know any more than Roger does now.

1 answer

What is the difference between "used" and "use"? Is one past tense and one present tense? What fits in the sentences? Your use of "would" and "wouldn't" is correct.