Indirect verbs me te le nos os los

Hi I am trying to see if I did these right? We are asked to fill in the blank with the indirect object pronoun.

It seems like each of these is le ( in the blank ) help so confused!!!!

1. Hoy mi madre ____ va a pedir al camarero los camarero los camarones al ajillo

2. Mi tio Timoteo siempre ___ pide un vaso de leche a la camarera.

3. El camarerro ___ trae la sopa a nosotros.

4. El camarero va a traer ___ la cuenta a mi papa.

2 answers

I'm having trouble making sense of the first sentence, maybe because I'm tired, but I think 'le' is correct.

In 2, the waiter, being not the direct object but affected by the subject's actions on the DO, is the indirect object, and le is correct.

In 3, as far as I can tell, the soup is the DO and nosotros is the IO, but for some reason I remember something about how objects of prepositions can't be objects of the verb; see if anyone can clarify this, but it may be nos rather than le.
If it is true that prepositional objects can't be verb objects as well, it looks to me like there's only a DO -- the soup -- and it would be le.
Really not sure on this one.

In 4, I have the same uncertainty about prepositional phrases, but here it should be 'le' whether papa qualifies as a verb object or not.

I'm tired, I just Googled this because I'd forgotten all about it, and I really shouldn't be posting at all because I've a tendency to make a fool of myself this late at night, but I'm not sure if anyone else is on.

Hopefully Sra. McGin will come around soon and mention any mistakes we made...
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#1 = le (al camarero) Drop the 2nd camarero.
"Hoy mi madre le va a pedir al camarero los camarones al ajillo."
#2 = le (a la camarera) Don't forget the accents! "Mi tío Timoteo siempre le pide un vaso de leche a la camarera."
#3 correct the spelling of camarero (not rr) "El camarero nos trae la sopa a nosotros."
#4 El camarero le va a traer la cuenta a mi papá." (without the accent papa = potato1)

Look how close some object pronouns are:

Direct Objects = me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las

Indirect Objects = me, te, le, nos, os, les

Prepositional Pronouns = mí, ti,
(conmigo/contigo), él, ella, nos, los, ellos, ellas

OR, Direct Object Pronouns and Indirect Object Pronouns are the same with me, te, nos, os. It's the 3rd person that causes difficulty because of DO = lo, la, los, las BUT IndO = le, les.
