In your opinion, which book is more understanding/ interesting/ etc. :

The Secret Life of Bees
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
(in advance- this is NOT a poll, so no one get mad at me)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each book(i.e- one book was slow-going, but was more understandable than the other)

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You might also look each book up at or and scroll down to read the reviews of each one.

Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to critique your work.

I am only trying to decide which book I should read over the summer, and since I have other questions that I am waiting to get answered(Living Environment and French), I thought that I would ask some of the other people on this site that read one of those books which one they would recommend.
I understand that you may have saw the part that said "What are the advantages and disadvantages of each", but I only asked that so I would get replies as to what readers did/ didn't like about the books and therefore why they would recommend one over the other.
I hope you understand that I didn't come on this site today to get someone to do my homework for me, just to guide me in the right direction. Although there are MANY people that come here expecting the luxury of someone to do their h.w. for them. I am NOT one of them.

The Secret Life of Bees
Easy to read.

Read both.

Read both.

I have not read both, so I can't make any comparisons. That's why I suggested reading the reviews at Amazon or B&N.

Okay, thanks Lance, I'll consider The Secret Life of Bees but I wish that I got more feedback. Anyway, I read The 5 People You Meet in Heaven a couple of years ago, so I think I'll try to work on T.S.L.O.B. for a change.
Thanks again!