In what ways do health care expenses affect an economy? What are the economic advantages to government involvement in health care? What are the economic disadvantages? What are some ways of curbing the negative impact of rising health care costs on an economy?

2 answers
this is what I came up with so far..
One way health care expenses effect our economy is the rising costs in healthcare. Now that people are loosing their jobs, individual healthcare plans are very expensive. The growth number in public healthcare has risen. The governments evolvement can help assist with funding for medical research, and grants for hospitals and other care facilities. The government offers governments funded health care to people who are also low-income. Some disadvantages are people who are low-income may not receive as many benefits opposed to someone with a traditional insurance policy. Government assisted Part D drug plans limit some medications, and rates are high for these plans to begin with.

Right now, I do not think there are many ways of curbing the impact on this economy. health care costs keep rising, co-pays go up, medication costs go up every year. If we stay on this track, most people will not be able to afford to pay for healthcare. Especially seniors who are on a limited income (social security) barely struggling to get by.