1. Economic Advantages:
a. The people can produce more since they are healthy.
b. It works as an incentive for people to produce more.
c. The is a sense of security among people and they can easily invest without worrying about expensive treatments in case of emergencies.
d. It brings goodwill to the Government and the nation on the whole.
Eonomic Disadvantages:
a. People have a very laid back attitude and might behave as "parasites."
b. There are many frauds and useless expenditure of money.
c. The Governmnt budget is usually not enough to meet these.
What are some ways of curbing the
negative impact of rising health care costs on an economy?
a. The people should be made aware and hygiene should be encouraged.
b. Health care benefits hsould usually be available for people who are unable to afford them.
c. The policy of using "precaution instead of cure" should be used.
In what ways do health care expenses affect an economy? What are the economic advantages to government involvement in health care? What are the economic disadvantages? What are some ways of curbing the negative impact of rising health care costs on an economy?
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