In the United States vs. Fawaz Yunis, five men hijacked a Jordanian airliner. Among the passengers were two American citizens who were apparently not the target of the terrorist activity. Hijackers latter released the passengers and blew up the aircraft. The appellant was lured into international waters, arrested and brought to the United States, where he was convicted of conspiracy, hostage taking, and air piracy (1118). On appeal, the appellant challenged the courts indictment on the grounds that the “court lacked subject matter and personal jurisdiction under the general principles of international law. Motion was denied, on the grounds that traditional principles of international law provided sufficient grounds for asserting both subject matter and personal jurisdiction (Clarizio 94).

1 answer

To clarify the focus of the paper, I would add to the first sentence.

In the Federal Court case, United States vs. Fawaz Yunis, five men.....etc.

Third sentence.. later , not latter.
Fourth sentence, "The appellant, Fawaz Yunis, ....etc.

Where does the quote beginning "court lacked subject....." end. You have not indicated that.