In the recent years, the media has shared with the public two very different stories involving children who committed acts of violence. Both minors were charged with murder and sent to adult state prison to serve their prison sentences. Some people may believe these teens deserved these punishments which they received; however the lack of brain development, the fact that juvenile systems treat children, and the statistics of committing mor crime clearly show that adolescent should not be tried as adults until they are truly adults.
First the brain of an adolescent is not fully developed as that of an adult. Because the frontal lobes of the brain are not fully developed, young people lack the ability to do simple adult functions such as plan, consider outcomes to situations, and control actions. This information is very important in considering the process of planning to commit murder. Because children and teens cannot control actions like adults, they might be subject to acting on impulse more than an adult. Children should not be tried as adults in the legal system because they are not adults at this stage in life
Another thing to consider is that the purpose of the juvenile system is treat an offender not to deter that person from more crime. Studies show there has been a drop in crimes committed by minors treated in juvenile systems. In 1996, juvenile arrests reached their highest in two decades. It then declined 33% by 2008. It is clear when looking at these statistics that juvenile systems work very well. If we want real results in minor, we should not send juveniles to adult court and prison sentences. It does not help in the long run.
Lastly, the idea that mints tried and sent to adult detention centers reduces those who reoffend is correct. Children charges as adults are more likely to commit more crime than minors treated in juvenile systems. Two recent large scale studies prove that 76% of thieves tried as adults were rearrested . Compare this percentage to the 67% rearrested and treated in the juvenile system. This numbers are proof that the court system created for adults are not meant for children.
This article is about why teenagers should not be placed in the legal system because it will change them and affect them for a long time
1 answer
Teenagers should not be tried in adult court.
For your annotation, list three reasons this author gives for his opinion.