In The Importance of Being Earnest, Jack and Algernon clearly have a preoccupation with food.

Discuss how food serves as a symbol for obedience to impulse and the pursuit of pleasure. How does this symbol help Oscar Wilde to comment on and satirize society?

6 answers

This asks for your interpretation, not mine. What do you think? Have you read the play?
Then think about the question and formulate a response. Someone here will be glad to critique your answer.
The way to start is to skim back over the play and look for the scenes in which Jack and Algernon talk about food or eat, keeping your assignment in mind.
Okay, will do. I'll be back. Thanks!
Reed not once have I found you useful on this site.
When people ask for help we're typically asking for you to throw us a small bone to work with, you think we haven't tried ourselves?