In the following sentence, which words should be in quotation marks?

Did you read the chapter Chemical Reactions in our science textbook, Understanding Chemistry?

A. chapter Chemical Reactions
B. Chemical Reactions
C. Understanding Chemistry

I think the answer is B, as it is a chapter in a book.. the book title, Understanding Chemistry, would be italicized, right?

10 answers

I have two more questions;

Read the following passage from Through My Eyes:

After the first day, I was glad to get home. I wanted to change my clothes and go outside to find my friends. My mother wasn’t too worried about me because the police had set up barricades at each end of the block. Only local residents were allowed on our street. That afternoon, I taught a friend the chant I had learned: “Two, four, six, eight, we don’t want to integrate.” My friend and I didn’t know what the words meant, but we would jump rope to it every day after school.

1. How does this passage emphasize that the story is told from the point of view of a child?

A. Ruby doesn’t really understand the chant; she responds only to the rhythmic sound.

B. Ruby teaches her friend what she has learned at school that day.

C. Ruby’s mother is not worried about her because of the barricades at the ends of the block.

2. What question might a student ask about this passage to understand the circumstances of the setting of Ruby’s story?

A. Was Ruby’s mother worried about her playing outside?

B. Why did Ruby jump rope to the offensive rhyme?

C. Why were only local residents allowed on Ruby’s street?

My answers:
1. A
2. C
Are these right?? Thanks!!
1. The following sentence would be in quotations, "Understanding Chemistry"! Hope this helped. Not sure about the other 2.
T.J, I don't really agree with your answer... Understanding Chemistry would be in italics, as it is a book title.

I think JJ is right with the chapter in the book being in quotations.
The quotation mark question is ambiguous. You are probably right that the answer is B.

I agree with your last two answers.
Thank you guys for the help! All my answers were correct. I just wanted the extra opinion. :)
You're welcome. :-)
I'm a toad
all three of the answers are right.hope this helped!
I just got 2 wrong because you guys confused me.
The Correct answers are...for this whole quick check...

1. A (The integrated one.)
2. A (The Through My Eyes.)
3. D (Ruby's story.)
4. B (And the quotation marks.)