In social studies we are talking about the bosten massacre and when the tea was taxed then the collonest boycotted the tea. Then the women would make home made rasberry tea. I was wondering if anybody knows where to find a web site where we I get get how to make home made rasberry tea. I want to maybe take some to school.
It is rasberry leaf tea sorry
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. What a great idea! Raspberry leaf tea is so easy to make and has a medicinal value:
Raspberry Leaf Tea, made by the infusion of 1 OZ. of the dried leaves in a pint of boiling water, is employed as a gargle for sore mouths. This herbal tea is also an antioxidant. Try one teaspoon of the dry leaves in 1 cup of boiling water and let it steep 15 minutes.
Here is what one herbalist does:
You can harvest your own red raspberry leaves or can purchase them dried in bulk from your local health food store or organic grocery. I like to harvest my own.
To dry the leaves quickly, I lay them on a cotton sheet in the back of my vehicle on a hot day with the windows closed. I use a wonderfully nourishing recipe that also includes rose hips for Vitamin C and stevia, which is naturally sweet.
You can also find this tea available in tea bags!
Thank you. I have my own rasberry plant.
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