In pairs (make sure you put both names on the answer sheet), create strategies and possible dialogue (min. 1 per topic) for communicating in the following situations:
Saying no to sexual involvement
Discussing whether or not to become sexually active
Talking with a partner about using protection
Discussing with a friend or parent your concerns about an STD
Informing a partner about your STD diagnosis
Answer these questions - How might these strategies or dialogues be different depending on the person with whom you are communicating? (e.g., platonic friend, romantic partner, health care professional, parent)
Can someone help clarify what I'm supposed to do please? I sort of get it, but not quite...
Thank you very much.
3 answers
isn't this a partner assignment?
Alexa is correct! You need a partner and then consider to whom you are speaking. For a dialogue, the pattern is usually:
1. Greeting & question
2. Greeting and answer
3. Perhaps a comment or continue the question--->answer format.
1. Greeting & question
2. Greeting and answer
3. Perhaps a comment or continue the question--->answer format.
You need to get together with a partner and discuss those five topics.
How would you say "no" to sexual involvement? Why should you say no? What reasons do you have? How would you tell someone else?
Part of your discussion should be about how easy it is for a girl to get pregnant. Did you know that a baby can be conceived without complete penetration and on the girl's first exposure to sex? I know first hand that is true.
How would you say "no" to sexual involvement? Why should you say no? What reasons do you have? How would you tell someone else?
Part of your discussion should be about how easy it is for a girl to get pregnant. Did you know that a baby can be conceived without complete penetration and on the girl's first exposure to sex? I know first hand that is true.