In my previous post I wrote
"You should have used the past simple to refer to both Prospero's and Miranda's behaviours towards Caliban when they first arrived on the island.
I still have to include a few other sentences.
1) In question 1 you were asked to describe how Caliban behaved towards Prospero on Prospero’s arrival on the island.
2) At first Prospero gives (gave) him berries with water and at that time he loves (loved) him back.
Things have changed when Caliban tried to his daughter Miranda.
3) Now that he has been enslaved, Caliban regrets showing Prospero all the secrets of the island.
4) You failed to mention the themes of the play as well as its most striking feature, that is the element of magic.
5) You failed to refer to what Prospero and Miranda call Caliban.
None of your sentences is correct. You repeated the phrase “one day” several times and included a number of nonsense sentences.
6) Prospero and Miranda teach Caliban how to be a human. (wrong: how to speak).
7) Prospero had grown Caliban with his own daughter until Caliban tried to her. ( better: Prospero had brought Caliban up/had educated him …. until Caliban tried to her)
1 answer
I still have to include a few other sentences.
1) In question 1, you were asked to describe how Caliban behaved towards Prospero on Prospero’s arrival on the island.
2) At first, Prospero gives him berries with water, and at that time he loves (loved) him back. unclear pronouns again
Things change when Caliban tries to his<~~?? daughter Miranda.
3) Now that he<~~?? has been enslaved, Caliban regrets showing Prospero all the secrets of the island.
4) You failed to mention the themes of the play, as well as its most striking feature, the element of magic.
5) All OK
6) OK
7) Prospero had grown Caliban<~~strange phrasing; your correction in parentheses is good with his own daughter until Caliban tried to her. better: Prospero had raised Caliban with his own daughter until Caliban tried to her.