In "mille sept cent" the "pt" in sept is not pronounced - right?

Thank you

9 answers

The p in sept is not pronounced.
Actually I think it was supposed to read:
mil sept cents (not mille)
And I think that neither the "p" not the "t" are pronounced when the word "sept" is followed by a word starting with a consonant?
It is supposed to read

Mille sept cents.

The word sept is very special. Of all the common French words that start with sept, only in four words the p is not pronounced:
sept (seven)
septième (seventh)
septmoncel (a cheese)
septain (a seven verse poem)

Even in the old word for seventy (septant) still used in Belgium, the p is pronounced.
Even in the old word for seventy (septante) ...
That's septième. If you tell us whether you have a PC or a MAC, we can send you to way to make accent marks with the computer. We should also know if you have Windows or not.

Sra (aka Mme)
Doesn't septieme mean seventh?
Yes, septième means seventh.
Sorry for the misprint (an encoding problem with the computer)
You are right, it IS MILLE sept cent, except when it is used for DATES, then it is MIL (that's what I was thinking of when I wrote "mil")
Sorry, I thought you were referring to pronounciation.

In any case, mille is pronounced [mil], the same as mil [mil].

For the new pronounciation question you have for SraJMcGin, the stated rule applies to 5 and 8. For 6 and 10 there is a separate rule but none for 7 and 9.

For your information, I reproduce from Le Petit Robert the pronounciation rules, if any, for the numbers 5-10.

(REM. Cinq se prononce [sR] devant un nom commençant par une consonne; [sRk] dans les autres cas, et fam. devant un nom commençant par une consonne.)

REM. Six se prononce [si] devant un nom commençant par une consonne; [siz] devant un nom commençant par une voyelle; [sis] dans les autres cas.

sept [set]
neuf [nZf]

(prononcé ['Pi] devant un mot commençant par une consonne, ['Pit] dans tous les autres cas)

dix [dis] devant une pause; [di] devant une consonne; [diz] devant une voyelle

Note that the pronounciation code letters are not reproduced correctly for the vowels and for the beginning of "huit". It should be clear for the ending consonants.