In conclusion, I believe the University of Maryland offers a wonderful opportunity for me for me to experience a mix of quality education and a richly diverse environment. At the University of Maryland, I expect to be involved in a wide variety of clubs and organizations on campus. Through my involvement in campus activity, I can add my own individuality on different matters in order to expand and improve the community.
- Hey, I'm trying to write the conclusion for my college essay (look at "Essay#4" below for the entire essay.
- I feel like i need a real GREAT conclusion to backup this essay.
- Which parts should I mention, and what can I say that will make the essay readers "wow'd"?
- P.S. Sorry for reposting so many times, I just really want to get into this school (its my first choice), and my GPA/SAT is only average.
- P.P.S. I'm going to need to shave 20 words off of the essay to meet the 500 words or less requirement, so that's the next thing i'm going to be posting about.
2 answers
Didn't I just do this?
Yes, you did!
Student, you need to reread this:
And if you truly want this school to accept you, you need to lean heavily on the academic angles. The diversity is nice, but if you don't have great goals for yourself academically, then they may wonder why they should accept you.
Student, you need to reread this:
And if you truly want this school to accept you, you need to lean heavily on the academic angles. The diversity is nice, but if you don't have great goals for yourself academically, then they may wonder why they should accept you.