First of all, if you are studying French, you should invest in a good paperback dictionary, French--->English/English--->French. There are dictionaries online and all you have to do is ask.
After a while, if you say the word outloud, you will get a "feeling" as to whether it is masculine or feminine. It doesn't always work, but in this case it does.
la chemise = when you say it outloud, listen to the sound (ze).
le chemisier = when you say this outloud, notice there is no consonant sound (ie).
Sra (aka Mme)
In chemise and chemisier, which one is masculine and which one is feminine?
3 answers
"Une chemise" is a shirt.
"Un chemisier" is a shirt-maker.
Do you happen to have a dictionary? It indicates the gender as m (masculine) and f (feminine).
For example, if you look up "chemise", you will see:
chemise n. f.(n=nom, f=feminin)
chemisier, ière n. (here, the gender is not specified because "un chemisier" is masculine, and "une chemisière" is feminine.
"Un chemisier" is a shirt-maker.
Do you happen to have a dictionary? It indicates the gender as m (masculine) and f (feminine).
For example, if you look up "chemise", you will see:
chemise n. f.(n=nom, f=feminin)
chemisier, ière n. (here, the gender is not specified because "un chemisier" is masculine, and "une chemisière" is feminine.
actually une chemise is a man's shirt even though it's feminine and un chemisier is a woman shirt even though it's masculine.