In act 3 in Knight of Olmedo in the bullfighting scene I need to answer the question how rodrigo reacted to Alonso winning, and also what incident in act 3 made rodrigo want alonso dead more than ever besides alonso loving ines. thanks

1 answer

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Rodrigo can't stand the fact that he owes his life to his enemy, Alonso. Not only the intense jealousity that Alonso won Inés, after her father consented to Rodrigo's marriage to her, but the rivalry between the two cities - Olmedo (which Alonso represents) and Medina (which Rodrigo represents.)

Alonso is the true knight and Rodrigo the villian. You might say it's a "duel" between good and evil, and although evil triumphs here, justice settles the score!
