In a laboratory experiment, the density of a concentrated sugar solution was determined by measuring the volume of the solution and corresponding mass. Three students each made a set of measurements using a different balance and used the results to calculate density. Their results are summarized here.

Part2, rank from most to least accurate
error=(average measurement)-(accepted value)

what is the accepted value?

Density (g/mL)
Trial Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
a 1.380 1.347 1.346
b 1.400 1.479 1.499
c 1.374 1.401 1.301

Rank the data sets in decreasing order of precision

I know that your supposed to use this formula

deviation=(individual measurement)-(average measurement) this is all in absolute value, so its always positive.

2 answers

Set 1 varies from 1.374 to 1.400, a range of 0.026
Set 2 varies from 1.347 to 1.401, a range of 0.054
Set 3 varies from 1.301 to 1.499, a range of 0.198

The narrower (smaller) the range, the greater the precision. Now you should be able to rank the three sets of results.