q = massmetal x Cpmetal x delta Tmetal.
q = massH2O x CpH2O x delta TH2O.
Use equation 2 first to calculate q, then use equation 1 (using q from the first calculation) to calculate Cp metal. Post your work if you get stuck.
In a calorimetry experiment in the lab, you were able to record the following data:
Mass of water in a calorimeter = 90.0 g
Initial temperature of water in calorimeter = 22.0o C
Mass of unknown metal = 45.0 g
Initial temperature of hot metal = 100.0o C
Final temperature of water after you place hot metal in calorimeter filled with water = 28.0o C
Based on the above data, what is the Cp of the metal?
(Cp H2O = 4.184 J/g oC)
6 answers
How do i determine the cpH20 and the delta Tmetal?
Cp for H2O is given in the problem. Last line in your post.
Use equation 2 first. You know mass H2O, you know Cp H2O, and you know delta T. Calculate q. Plug that q into equation 1. Now you have q, mass metal, and delta T metal. Calculate Cp metal.
Use equation 2 first. You know mass H2O, you know Cp H2O, and you know delta T. Calculate q. Plug that q into equation 1. Now you have q, mass metal, and delta T metal. Calculate Cp metal.
sorry, didn't even see that. how does 0.6973 sound?
sounds ok. I suppose that's J/g
Thanks alot Dr.Bob!