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In 200 words write an account of a day in th life of a psychologist. Include info about salary, duties, and responsibilities. Can someone please help me with this? It's tough!
2 answers
As a psychologist, I can testify that there is a great of variability in salaries, duties and responsibilities, depending on what type of psychology you are discussing. Typically psychologists divide their time/duties up among academic/teaching duties, research, and application (putting to use the principles they have learned) in various proportions.
Salaries are typically based on level of expertise (e.g., MA vs PhD), years of experience, level of responsibility of the position, whether employed by an organization or self-employed, area of the country/world, among other factors.
I don't know how you can summarize this in 200 words, unless you pick a particular psychologist to interview. You might try a psychology teacher at your local college/university. (However, don't ask me, since I am currently retired.)
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
Salaries are typically based on level of expertise (e.g., MA vs PhD), years of experience, level of responsibility of the position, whether employed by an organization or self-employed, area of the country/world, among other factors.
I don't know how you can summarize this in 200 words, unless you pick a particular psychologist to interview. You might try a psychology teacher at your local college/university. (However, don't ask me, since I am currently retired.)
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.