Imagine you are an elected official with the responsibility of drafting legislation designed to protect our environment. What items will you include in your bill? Who will be responsible for the bill's implementation? Its enforcement? Your response should be 200 words in length.

15 answers

No one here will write your assignment for you, but if you write what YOU THINK, someone here may be able to check it for you.
If I were elected an official, I'd first of all be totally freaked out. That's because fifteen year old shouldn't be elected any type of office until their old enough to get a job. But second of all I'd try to fulfill whatever duty I was elected to do. I would do that by making the bill thing. The items I'd include in my bill to get people to recycle more, and stop dumping trash in the middle of the road near my house. I would also tell people to stop littering and dumping their trash in other peoples trash, and ask people to lower the amount of water they use by fixing their sprinkler settings. I also would ask people instead of printing out two hundred fliers for a commercial uses if they could just use like eight big ones. As for who would be responsible for the bills implementation, I would ask someone who actually knows what their doing cause again I'm fifteen id do it wrong. As for enforcement I'd ask that people in the town help with this also law enforcement and different types of park and forest rangers. Even people in private communities id ask them to watch for people and id put up signs.
Dude if your doing sos like it think you are. just look back in the lets review part of the lesson it seriously helps. :)
Hello, the environment is very important for the continuity of humanity. You can talk about policies to control CO2 emissions, which contribute to global warming, can also talk about water remediation, landfills, recycling and combating deforestation. Among many others!
Well, who will be responsible for implementing it will be the legislative power that will vote for the approval of the law. And who will apply will be the executive power, for example, if it is a city, will be the secretariat of environment.
I hope I have helped you!
I am doing this same question... Oof.
its easy just die
The environment is very important for the continuity of humanity. You can talk about policies to control CO2 emissions, which contribute to global warming, can also talk about water remediation, landfills, recycling and combating deforestation. Among many others! What's more, emanation confinement for makers discharging possibly harmful items into the environment. Lastly, the keep going two: direction on the utilization of chemicals underway procedures and day by day life and a great deal of support to hereditarily upgraded items which permit the expansion of harvests while restricting the requirement for pesticides for yield insurance. The bill's implementation would be implemented by an agency of the executive branch and enforcing of the law would be done by the states EPA.
i want a cheese burger
alternatives to the use of fossil fuels as an energy source;
pollution control;
recycling efforts;
party (or parties) responsible for carrying out proposed legislation—individual, business, government;
organization responsible for enforcement of legislation—municipal, state, national, global.
I agree with most of you, meaning the ones who actually know their stuff.
me hgme student
If I were an elected official with the responsibility of drafting legislation designed to protect our environment, the first item I would include in my bill would be, to get people to recycle more often. In an article written by Drew Brucker, he says” Nine-tenths of all solid waste in the United States does not get recycled.” and “roughly 80% of the items buried in landfills could be recycled.” If people continue to not recycle, we will be up to our ears in no time in garbage. The second item I would include in my bill would be, combating deforestation. An article I read on Givero about deforestation said “80% or more of animals (including humans) depend on forests and savannah for survival. Fractured habitats are driving animal extinctions.” Some ways to fight this would be; buying recycled paper products and products packaged in recycled packaging, Buying furniture made with certified renewable wood resources, and planting trees if you can. If not you can support organizations like the World Wildlife Fund. As for who would be responsible for the bills implementation, I would ask someone who actually knows what they're doing so I know it will get done correctly and efficiently. As for enforcement I'd ask that people in the town help with this also law enforcement and different types of local businesses.
Breast milk
Thankyou! This really helped.