I'm writing 'actor's notes' for act 2, scene 4 of 'Twelfth Night'

Orsino- And what's her history?
Viola- A blank, my lord. She never
told her love, But let concealment
like a worm i'th'bud Feed on her
damask cheek. She pined in thought,
And with green and yellow
melancholy She sat like Patience on
a monument, We men say more, swear
more, but indeed Our shows are more
than will:for still we prove much in
our vows, but little in our love.

Orsino- But died your sister of her love, my boy?

Viola- I am all the daughters of my father's house, and all the brothers, too - and yet I know not. Sir, shall I to this lady?

Any ideas how I can do actor's notes on this part?

1 answer

Check out the character descriptions at this site..:

Also look at the "motif"s That will give you insight into motivation.