I'm trying to write a program for this piece wise function using CPU sim.its really argent...

f(n) = n^5 (n<0)
10 (n=0)
n^2 -2n +5 (n>0)

i have worte this program bust still give error on cpu simulator..
please can you help me correct this error.

Start: read 0 ; read n
store 42 ; store n
jump 26 ; if n is < 0 go to line 26
jump 38 ; else if u = 0 go to 38
load 46 ; else
multiply 46 ; 3xn
store 40 ; store temp result
load 42 ; load n
multiply 42 ; n2
subtract 40 ; n^2 x 2n +5
add 48 ; n^2 x 3n
write 0 ; output f(n)
stop 0 ; stop
load 42 ; load n
multiply 42 ; nxn
multiply 42 ; nxnxn
multiply 42 ; nxnxnxn
multiply 42 ; nxnxnxnxn
Done: jump 22 ; go to output
load 50 ; load 175
jump 22 ; goto output
Data: data 0 ; storage for n (38)
data 0 ; temp storage(40)
data 2 ; constant 2(42)
data 5 ; const 5(44)
data 175 ;const 175 (46)