from the top you can factor out 3m(2p^2+3) .
3m(2p^2+3) [m(y^2-x) - 2(x^2+y)] / [(x^2+y)(2x-y^2)(y^2-x)]
I really don't see the point of going further, since none of the terms are alike.
I'm stuck on this one:
factoring polynomials from algebraic expressions (and it says you can use the substitution method):
3m^2(2p^2+3)over (x^2+y)(2x-y^2)
6m(2p^2+3)over (y^2-x)(2x-y^2)=
Do I find the GCF? I get 3m(m-2) over (x^2+y)(2x-y)(y^2-x) ????
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