I'm posting questions related to those paintings one by one.

Detestez-vous une peinture? Laquelle? Pourquoi?


[Yes, I hate the painting, "A Japanese Bridge", because it is not clear.]


[Oui, je deteste la peinture, A Japanese Bridge, parce la peinture n'est pas claire.]

My teacher looked over this one, and said it was good, but Im still posting it to make sure it is.

2 answers

What level of French is this, if I may ask? If you aren't sure how to make the necessary accent marks with the computer, I need to know 2 things:
a) do you have a Mac or a PC and b) do you have Windows or not.

Sra (aka Mme)
Painting (activity, art form) = peinture
EX : She enjoys sculpture and painting (Elle adore la sculpture et la peinture)
A painting (work of art) = un tableau)
EX : The Louvre museum has thousands of paintings on its walls (Le musée du Louvre a des milliers de tableaux sur ses murs)°
Thus it’s better to say : le tableau « a Japanese bridge »