Im not sure what directing to go for this essay, i have changed it 3 times. can someone tell me if this would be correct?

The answer is media doesn't decide what is important, The creators put out there what they think will catch peoples eyes, boring doesn't sell. Most people want drama or like hearing about gossip and the new trends, but is that really important (to them/you )? The majority of important things are uninteresting. For example, going to school is one of the many things that is important to do, but isn't always so exciting.
Magazines are a prime example of making something noteworthy, most of the modeling pictures in magazine pages you have seen had touchups or editing done to it by professionals (its not real). Why would they do that? Because people don't care much for an ordinary person, They want perfection, but in reality nothing is as it seems and “perfect” is impossible to find. That is why perfection is craved and desired. which can be used as a secret weapon. now with all the technology we have out today, perfection can be made in a click of a button and essentially used as a secret weapon. For example, if you post a picture with a filter and again the same picture without the filter, The odds are the one with the edit would probably get the most likes.
Likes are the basically the same thing as views, The more likes you get, the higher your “fame” rate goes. The least amount of likes means the less you're known. Same goes with views, but in most cases if you get a certain amount of views you can get an enhanced amount of money.
Money can get you many things, you might be able to say money equals power, And the more money you have, the more powerful you become. Having power is a great feeling, but too much power can cause chaos. That is why in the government they are separated by 3 branches legislative, judicial, executive. Each branch splits the power so no one can overrule another.
Since media has come out, it has been a great money source. Over time our newspapers turned into broadcast, then came the internet. And with all these different kinds of media, the goal was always the same. More views equals more money. Strive for more views and do anything necessary to get hits. Sometimes people even take the risk of doing legal actions or suing for money. So whatever you are watching or reading might not be so important, but it sure as hell is entertaining

2 answers

You're on the right track. All the media you mention are very much still with us. Newspapers were not replaced by television or radio, nor has the internet replaced magazines or other older media. Books are also a medium. But you are correct in that the medium does not create the message. People USE media to communicate whatever they want to tell us about. It's easy to confuse the creator and the medium, and many do. You seem to know the difference. You're also a bit cynical about it. Everything you say is true, but some people use the media to communicate legitimate information and ideas, even if it isn't particularly or dramatic or sensational. But, often, media is used to sell an idea. For example, I saw a post on Facebook just today that claimed sensational new evidence that President Obama is not a United States citizen. That's simply not true, but some people insist it is regardless of any evidence to the contrary. So, media can be used even to lie (and sometimes s person or group perpetrates a lie just because they want it to be true). Another example is another Facebook post I saw recently that a picture of Justin Beiber, the pop star, modeling men's underwear had been altered to show a "sexier" anatomy than the original picture showed. Go figure. But many publications do still seek to tell the truth as they discover it. See The New Yorker, the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle and other mainstream news sources.
I must add another comment. Yes, even legitimate media editors do make decisions about what to put on their pages, but not necessarily because it's sensational or will sell ads. Taxation, for example, is not , "we the people" need to know about changes in tax laws (local, state, national) so news vendors may decide to tell us anyway. They may also decide that Justin Bieber's anatomy is of no concern to anyone but himself and doesn't matter much (well, maybe to his girlfriend).