both "the road not taken" and "o captain! my captain! are analogies. write a paragraph comparing the authors use of analogy. what is analogy? how does frost use analogy in his poem? how does whitman use analogy in his poem? why has each of these analogy poems become so famous?
can you explain what analogy is? and how it is use?
I'm new to this can someone help me?
4 answers
An analogy is a comparison between two different things.
Sandburg compares the Civil War to a long voyage. Frost compares the fork in path in the woods to a decision.
Sandburg compares the Civil War to a long voyage. Frost compares the fork in path in the woods to a decision.
Actually, Frost compares the woods to life. The two paths represent decisions made to take one road, and not the other road.
"O Captain..." was by Whitman, not Sandburg, but, yes, the analogy is that the Civil War was a sea voyage and Mr. Lincoln was the captain of the ship.