I'm doing sports vocab words right now, and I forgot which words I'm supposed to use faire du de la etc and jouer a jouer a la, etc...

These are the words

la voile
le patinlage
la peche(fishing)
la ski du fond
la crosse
la natation
la plongee(diving)
le billard
le curling
l'equitation(horseback riding)
le handball
le jogging
le ski nautique
le tir a l'arc(archery)

Please help and thanks!

1 answer

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You play AT a sport.

faire voile = to set sail
check spelling of "patinage" and pêche
It's le ski = faire du ski du fond
accent on plongée

they all take faire.

jouer à football (a game)
