I'm doing an essay on the new world mystery and about England and Spain's economies during that time, the 16th-18th centuries. I have to write an essay (letter) to the King of Spain or the King of England telling them what they could do to change it. I'm just starting so I don't have many ideas yet but i do have a few questions- 1. I know Spain had a lot of gold, silver, and gems that were durable but limited resources but what resources did they have that were expendable or renewable? and same with England, they had all of the crops etc that were renewable but expendable but did they have any durable or limited resources?

also anything else you think would be helpful in my essay would be great :)
thanks so much!

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... and many, many others. Go to http://www.google.com and use the following sets of search words:

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economy in england 18th century

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economy in spain 17th century

economy in spain 18th century