I'm doing a song about Italian Immigration from the 1800's for a project nd I'm kind of stuck. Can someone help me out? What I have is this: Hey fratello, wish me luck

Hey sorella, I’m awestruck
Hey there Nonno, I’m earning bucks
In the land of bountiful America

With a job~, in the land of opportunity
A wonderful world can be seen
With our boots~
Let's make a toast to the machine!
It’s great working here in America

Mi dispiace, I couldn’t stay
High taxes were in my way
And I had insufficient funds to pay
So I came to the land of America

Our homeland could no longer be tilled
And it was to overfilled
And even though I could be killed
I come to the land of America

So like a bird~ of passage I migrate to the west
And I arrive to Ellis Island finally
I see lady liberty
And I shed tears of joy, for being here in America

I don't really have a beat for it, I'm just gonna try and make one up for it.

4 answers

What you have done so far is quite clever. How would you like us to help you?

thank you :] I need to make it at least 3 minutes but I'm kind of stuck.
I know that:
They worked with textiles, mills, and Cotton gins and stuff
They had to Leave school
They rarely accepting charity
They skimped food
They got part time jobs like selling fruit
They had little education
And another reason why they came was to escape deseases like Malaria
How would I put these into my song? Can you give me a few ryhmes?
Mi dispiace, I couldn’t stay
High taxes were in my way
And I had insufficient funds to pay
So I came to the land of America

Our homeland could no longer be tilled
And it was to overfilled
And even though I could be killed
I come to the land of America

So like a bird~ of passage I migrate to the west
And I arrive to Ellis Island finally
I see lady liberty
And I shed tears of joy, for being here in America

I’m forced to live in a tenement
Where the only thing good is the rent
So in order to leave I’ll need more cents
So I need to work harder in America

To be working here makes me happy
I'll work long hours for a minimal fee
I'll work until my hands are bloody
I'm proud to work here in America

With a job~, in the land of opportunity
A wonderful world can be seen
With our boots~
Let's make a toast to the machine!
It’s great working here in America

I hope I don’t get caught in a cotton gin
‘Cause then leaving school would be worth nothing
And if I do I wont accept charity
I’d rather skimp food and live dirty
I cant get a real job in this nation
Cause I had very little education
so I sell fruit as a part time job
But it’s hard because they think we rob
Only because of the mafia
This is the first chapter in our saga

Hey fratello, wish me luck
Hey sorella, I’m awestruck
Hey there Nonno, I’m earning bucks
In the land of ample America

I still need a little more