Im doing a science fair project on how fertilizer and sun effect the growth of grass
2 answers
thank you but it didn't help got anything else
The sites that SraJMcGin posted provide good background material for your project.
You need to conduct your own experiment which will probably take several weeks. Mark off four sections of your lawn. Two should be in the sun and two in the shade. Apply fertilizer to one section in the shade and one section in the sun. Make sure all sections receive the same amount of water. Measure the height of the grass in each plot every other day and keep a record of your measurements. Also note when you mow, how much fertilizer you used and when.
You need to conduct your own experiment which will probably take several weeks. Mark off four sections of your lawn. Two should be in the sun and two in the shade. Apply fertilizer to one section in the shade and one section in the sun. Make sure all sections receive the same amount of water. Measure the height of the grass in each plot every other day and keep a record of your measurements. Also note when you mow, how much fertilizer you used and when.