I'm doing a poster in science and its about radon. Radon is a radioactive gas and it causes lung cancer, but i don't know what to do for the poster and it's due March 16,2012 but i have to turn it in by tomorrow so that the poster can get to the science specalist so the teachers want to turn it in to the science teacher so that we don't forget it during school. So when you get the chance can u give me some ideas? *begging* plzzz. =/
27 answers
WHat kind of ideas do u want? Are you printing or doing it homemade?
do u want to use markers or print it off of ur computer??
P.S it's i.am..running.from.myself ↑
P.S it's i.am..running.from.myself ↑
You could do lungs before Radon is breathed in, and one of lungs after. Show the difference on your poster. try and do something original. ☺♦☻
im doing it homemade
How good are you at drawing? DO you prefer to draw, write etc.? ☺♦☻
ok thx. ill try that. its for the contest and i want to go to washington dc next year cause that's the price if ur one of the three people that they vote for. i want really nice ideas like yours. ill try to think of some more but if i cant ill ask you for more help. is it ok that i ask for more help from you? =/
im pretty good at drawing. my art teacher that im good at drawing roses and people. so ill try to draw whatever i need for the poster.
since its faster for me to draw and write ill just do the poster by hand and not computer cause im not that good at doing things with the computer for the poster. =)
I don't mind at all if u ask for my help. try and draw a picture of a healthy persons lungs.u could use google. then draw a picture of lungs with lung cancer because of radon. on each of them you could say what happened and why. You could say for the healthy one the person doesn't smoke and is 100 healthy. the other person only breathed in radon.
btw: thanks for liking my ideas lol ☺♦☻
btw: thanks for liking my ideas lol ☺♦☻
how old are you?
how does that sound above????if you give me a few sentences about radon and what hapens from what U kno, i can write you a sample paragraph.
thx for the ideas =)
im in 5th grade and they have us do a assignment on radon we have to write a report on it and we have to make a poster on it too
the idea with google and drawing lungs is a good idea r we aloud to post pictures on here?
ur a really nice person for wanting to help me.
ur a really nice person for wanting to help me.
would it also be a good idea to put a house with arrows to show the radon that comes out of the ground?
i want this to be a really good assignment. =)
i have a flash drive so i can put some of the ideas on it.
i have another idea. =D
jumk.de/notepad/ wont work?? that sux. its online notepad and you can tell me about it on there.
do u want to hear the idea?
wats ur idea?
kk bye =)
my idea is that i could ask if they really wanted to have radon in their house and to get the radong test kits today. do u like it? =/
Yeah. It sounds really good. ☺♦☻
tell me how u do ☺♦☻