There is actually nothing you need to do to answer questions like I am doing now!! It is actually very simple. Just have your name in the name box and answer people's questions! If you have any further questions you can ask me!
Im a qualified English and History teacher in Australia ( proof available) . What do I need to do to become an online volunteer tutor for you ?
16 answers
Hi Reed!
We don't need bobpursley to answer this. Dr. Smith is correct. Post good answers regularly for a few weeks. Then if you want to become a regular tutor (with link posting capabilities), then write bobpursley.
Dr. Smith is right. You can answer questions without being a formal "tutor" here. To be a tutor and be enabled to post links, etc., the webmaster is Bob Pursley. Go ahead and answer any questions you feel able to answer.
Thank You for that answer . One more question can I give my personal email address if they need some in depth help like reading an essay etc or marking work
No, I'm sorry, but we do not allow personal information here on Jiskha. All of our answers are posted online here.
I honestly do not know. I would assume that you cannot but like I said, I'm not sure. Sorry! :(
Oh! Thanks Ms. Sue!! :)
I McAlpin, that's for security reasons. You don't want to be inundated with superfluous or nasty emails!
Thank you for that . I will do what I can . btw my name is Ian . Thanks to those who answered so quickly.
We do email each other as tutors, but don't give students our personal info and discourage students from posting personal info like phone numbers or email addresses.
You're welcome. I look forward to seeing your posts. :-)
Glad to meet you, Ian. Welcome aboard. :)
ok. To whom who should I send my email address ?
Um. If you would like to exchange email addresses, contact me on Facebook (Reed Brown) and we can discuss in private messages there, if you are on FB.
Yes I will do that . Thank You. Sorry to interrupt your time everyone . Thank you for the helpful answers!
Bye for now from a warm Sydney
Bye for now from a warm Sydney