im a bit confused of what could be the conclusion behind the following lines written by Melville in his LETTER TO NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, JUNE 1851.
the lines are:
A: “So the product is a final hash, and all my books are botches.”
is this mean that no one values or understands the stories he writes, thus his books are like thrash?
B: “I’m going to take him by his jaw, however, before long, and finish him up in some fashion or other.”
does this mean that without wasting and working hard enough to make his story a well-written one he shall just write it any way. cause no one bothers or appreciates a well-written story.
C: “Though I wrote the Gospels in this century, I should die in the gutter.”
he feels even though he has written gospels stories, he hasn't fail to make people understand it and understand its values.
please help by correcting my conclusions drawn from these lines that describes melville's feelings about his writing.
2 answers
b. All it means is that Melville intends to finish Moby Dick.
c. It means Melville thinks he wrote the foundation works of literature of the century, but he wont be recognized for it in his lifetime.