“If you’ve got it, (1)

it!” That’s the (2)
of Georgia’s philosophy. Georgia is my dorm roommate. A dance and theater major, she is a true extrovert—always showing off, always “onstage.” It seems she is in constant motion, going from graceful leaps down the hall to such (3)
acrobatics as swinging by her knees from the clothes rod in her closet. Some days Georgia performs her entire (4)
right in our room. The (5)
“less is more” doesn’t apply to her on those occasions, when she delights by acting, singing, and dancing everything she’s ever learned. Attracted by her talent and charisma, an audience always gathers to watch. The lack of space in our room never seems to (6)
her movements. Since Georgia’s shows are not very (7)
to good studying on my part, I join the crowd drawn by her magnetism. She is so smooth and confident—I have never seen her (8)
. She moves easily from ballet to tap to jazz. She’ll tell jokes, sing part of an opera, and perform a scene from A Chorus Line. Not knowing all the words never stops her—she simply improvises lines as she goes along. When she finishes, her audience breaks into a (9)
of applause. It’s difficult to break into show business, which is why most drama students give up on this quest and settle for a more conventional career. But I contend Georgia is talented enough to build a (10)
career in show business.

use these words: bizarre, conductive, falter, flaunt, frenzy, gist, hamper, paradox, repertoire, viable

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