If a moon rock was melted, and it tasted like cheese, why would this be?
Why are you trying to explain something that isn't?
If you weighed yourself on regular bathroom scale outside, then again inside the Empire State Building and inside your weigh about 350 grams less, why would this be?
9 answers
Are you maybe on a falling elevator in the building?
I agree it seems odd, yet it really was posed as a real question (maybe by a mad scientist) but, I still owed it some thought and came up with nothing in my books. So again, A man compared his weight from outside the Empire State Building to inside which shows a loss of 350 grams- anything that could explain why this man could of experenced this weight loss inside?
actally, not falling as in a normal elevator, it has to be accelerating downward. So it could be an elevator going upward, but then stopping (in that brief instant when it is deaccelerating), or it could be in an elevator just starting downward.
Yes,I looked at the elavator theory but this question was places the man inside the building on the groundfloor of the looby-no elavator involved.
There may be the mass of the building above him pulling him up, but no way it is going to make that much difference.
Yea, I thought about the mass of the building pulling him up but I didn't know if 350grams would be to much to account for this. I know that people have recorded weight difference in relation to location, that is they lost weight in proportion to the decrease in gravity-I am really struggling to get this.
Yes, gravity is not the same everywhere on earth, but it takes something on the scale of a mountain range to make a serious difference.
Your weight will depend upon how high up you go in the Empire State building, but if you just go inside and stay on the main floor, where should be no change. The relative decrease in g (and weight) at the top floor is only about [1 - (3999.8 miles/4000miles)^2]= 0.01%