if you hold a thermometer in each hand, one farenheit and one celsius, and they read the same. What do they read?
5 answers
one will be in farenheit and the other reading in celsius so, if you want to use the general accepted body temperature, the farenheit one should say 98.6 and the celsius shoud say 37.0 . Is this what you're asking?
There is only one temp they are the same numerical value.
do this:
9/5* (x-32)= 5/9 * x + 32
solve for X
do this:
9/5* (x-32)= 5/9 * x + 32
solve for X
That was what I was leaning toward, I just needed to see if someone else thought the same. Thanks
-40 F or C. You'd better be wearing gloves
How did I get that? Require that
F = (9/5 C + 32)= C
4/5 C = -32
and solve for C (which equals F at that point)
How did I get that? Require that
F = (9/5 C + 32)= C
4/5 C = -32
and solve for C (which equals F at that point)
-40 degrees Celsius.