If you had read The Last Judgement could you please help me?
God...."The fifth and sixth people were an old married couple;he finished them off with an axe and found practically no money, although they had more than twent thousand hidden away."
Kugler jumped up: Where? Tell me!
"In a straw mattress," God said."In a linen sack inside the mattress. That's where they stored the money they got from usury and penny-pinching. The seventh man he killed in America;he was an immigrant, a countryman, helpless as a child"
"So it was in the mattress." Kugler whispered in amazement.
The dialog between God and Kugler mostly revels that?
A:God does not judge Kugler for his evil ways
B:Kugler regrets that he did not find the money***
C:God is witness to all that people do and say***
D:Kugler feels sorry for his actions while on earth.
I'm torn between B&C....I am leaning more towards C....because God does not say what anyone said. Thank you for your help. I really hope some one can help me :)
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