Convert pounds to grams = ?
Convert grams to mols with mols = grams/molar mass = ?
Convert gallons to liters = ?
Then mols/L = [NH4^+] = ?
If you dissolve 220.3 Pounds of ammonium nitrate in water to obtain a final solution volume of 500. gallons what is the [NH4+] (of course in mol/L)?
2 answers
220.3 lbs = 100016.2 g
500. gallons= 1892.5L
100016.2g (NH4)(NO3)X 1 MOL/80.052 g/MOL= 1249.39 MOLES.
1249.39 MOLES/ 1892.5L = 6.60X10^-1 MOL/L (NH4)(NO3)
500. gallons= 1892.5L
100016.2g (NH4)(NO3)X 1 MOL/80.052 g/MOL= 1249.39 MOLES.
1249.39 MOLES/ 1892.5L = 6.60X10^-1 MOL/L (NH4)(NO3)