geez - take care with your expressions.
divide top and bottom by cosx, Then you have
(cosx-sinx)/(cosx+sinx) = (1-tanx)/(1+tanx) = (1/4)/(7/4) = 1/7
extra credit: why does it matter that x is acute?
If x is an acute angle, tanx =3/4,evaluate coax _sinx÷cosx+sinx
9 answers
Thanks but need to elaborate on the question cause the method you used might not make the people that need to use it understand better
Thanks you
Thanks you
If x is an acute angle and tan x 3/4,evaluate cos x _ sin x / cos x + sin x
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Solve the math
If x is an acute angle and tanx= 3/4 evaluate cosx-sinx sinx +cosx
Please explain further
Pls explain better