If there is only one son will that son be deported to the military or because he is the only child he will not be deported?

1 answer

The policy regarding whether an only son will be conscripted into the military varies by country and its specific laws and regulations. Some countries may have exemptions or deferments for only sons, while others may require all eligible males to serve regardless of their family status.

For example:
- In Israel, the "only son" policy can protect some individuals from combat roles but not necessarily from service in non-combat positions.
- South Korea generally requires all able-bodied males to serve, though special exemptions might exist under certain conditions, but being the only son is not typically a criterion.
- In some countries, like the United States, the draft (if reinstated) might consider family circumstances, but this would depend on the specific regulations in place at the time.

To provide a precise answer, you would need to refer to the specific military conscription laws of the country in question.