If a mother and father has only one son and one daughter and military wants to deport them, will they be deported or because the mother and father only have one child of each gender, they will not be deported?

1 answer

The deportation policies of a country typically do not take into account the number or gender of a person's children. Deportation decisions are usually based on immigration laws, visa status, criminal records, and other legal criteria specific to each country.

If a military force is involved in the deportation process, it usually adheres to the same legal frameworks and authorities that govern civilian immigration and deportation procedures. Whether a family has one son and one daughter likely has no bearing on whether they are deported.

It is important for families in such situations to seek legal counsel to understand their rights and any potential grounds for appeal or relief from deportation. Legal protections, humanitarian considerations, and international human rights laws may sometimes provide avenues for challenging deportations, but these are complex and highly dependent on the specific circumstances of each case.