If the Queen Bee leaves the hive and travels 210 m [N32°E] and then 37 m [S51°W], how far and in what direction is the bee from its hive? I am unsure of my final answer, can someone please explain this so I know if I am doing this right? THANKS!

4 answers

I made a diagram and obtained a triangle with sides 37 and 210 with a 19ºbetween them
Using the cosine law if found the side opposite the 19º angle to be 175.4
So the bee is 175.4 m from the hive

Then using the sine law I got the angle between the resultant and the first path to be 3.9º

so its direction would be 28.1º
WOuld the direction be [N28E]? I think I need to give the compass bearings. But thanks so much, I did do the same steps as you, but my overall direction is [N28E]? Do you agree? Thanks, again~
Yes, it would be N28.1ºE or rounded off to the nearest degree like you appear to have done.
Good job.