If I join these clubs in high school will I make it to Ivy League Schools

Computer Club
Any student interested in computers will learn skills such as creating web designs and building PCs. Students will also have the opportunity to learn advanced techniques using computer software installed on school computers including professional standards by Adobe Systems and Microsoft.

English Honor Society
The English Honor Society has been established for those academic students who have excelled in English Language Arts. Together we recognize and embrace each other’s talents and skills. Responsibilities include mandatory tutoring and involvement in all scheduled activities.

French Club
All year Students will be involved in many diverse activities with French/Francophonic themes including movie stars and famous artists.

Freshmen Class
As needed throughout the school year Students are invited to take part in many activities for the freshman class throughout the school year including fund-raising, the class step, and Spirit Day, including many others. Although there are elected representatives, any member of the freshman class may participate in these activities.

Full Circle Magazine Club
May Full Circle Magazine publishes a magazine annually. It displays students’ works (poetry, essays, stories, and drawings) and members vote on and judge submitted selections. Students interested in this club should have a strong writing ability. Open to all grade levels.

The Green Tigers
Fall and Spring seasons The Green Tigers (now in its sixth year) provides students the opportunity to learn more about the natural ecology of our school grounds and surrounding communities. Students participate in community service projects that help improve the quality of our natural environment. The club designed and planted the American History Garden and Stephanie Landsman Memorial Garden.

Junior Class
Students participate in many activities including fund-raising, class rings, and the junior ball. The junior class has representatives who have been elected but any individual in the class is more than welcome to participate in any or all of the class activities.

Key Club
Our school Key Club is one of the most successful Key Clubs not only in New York District, but we have an unbelievable reputation in the Key Club International Community as well. Our club is sponsored by the Kiwanis of Spring Valley, a group of men and women that have been involved with the K family, (Kiwanis, Key Club, Builder's Club and K-Kids) for 60 years.
Our School Key club has been rated # 1 in the World 5 times for the community service they provide to their community, and over 20 times have been #1 in the New York District Key Club family. Our Club has raised thousands of dollars for the American Cancer Society, in fact we have been cited as the #1 raiser of funds for ACS each year for 25 years.
The students that belong to this club are caring, motivated and willing to do just about anything to help another human being. Our club meetings are every Wednesday night at 7 PM and last for about an hour. There is always an advisor present to assure the safety of the students, as well as the school security guards that are in the school.
Please encourage your child to attend a meeting and to get involved. It does take a village to help the community. SVHS Key Club is just such a village.

Ladies Club
June Open to all grade levels. Students must be willing to work toward becoming young men and women by learning how to respect, improve self-esteem, and becoming involved in the community. Group sessions encourage these characteristics as well as performing well in school.
Math Honor Society
Throughout the school year In addition to sponsoring and organizing Pi Day, members of the Mathematics Honor Society participate in a statewide testing program through which scores are used to evaluate Spring Valley High School’s ranking in mathematics.

Multicultural Club
The club meets throughout the school year The Multicultural Club is a forum where students meet and learn about the different cultures that exist within the student body of Spring Valley High School. The club promotes the value of diversity and tolerance of others. Open to all grade levels.

National Honor Society
Throughout the school year The National Honor Society is one of the nation’s premier organizations established to recognize outstanding high school students in the 11th and 12th grades for characteristics of scholarship, leadership, service and citizenship. Open to 11th/12th graders with an overall average of 89.5.

School's Newspaper
All year The Tiger informs our school community about events at SVHS and also contains other articles including features such as horoscopes, original stories, and movie/music reviews. We need writers, photographers, artists, and organizers. All are welcome.

10th Grade Class
Throughout the school year Members of the sophomore class are eligible to participate in many activities throughout the year including fund-raising, Homecoming, and Spirit Week, among several others. Although there are elected class representatives, any sophomore is welcome to participate in these activities.
SS Honor Society
As needed throughout the school year The Social Studies Honor Society is an academic organization promoting excellence in history as well as the skills needed to be successful at the college level. Students must have a minimum GPA of 89.5 to be considered.

Science Honor Society
Throughout the school year The Science Honor Society is primarily an academic organization that provides service to the science community of both our school and community. Entrance criteria include at least ONE of the following: A minimum GPA of 85 in science or an overall GPA of at least 80.

these are all the clubs in my future high school

Academic League




Computer Club

Dance Club

English Honor Society

Foreign Language
Honor Society

Forensic and Debate League

French Club

Freshman Class

Full Circle
(Art & Literature Magazine)

G.O. / Student Council

Green Tigers
Environmental Club

Junior Class

Key Club

Ladies’ and Men’s Club

Mathematics Honor Society

Math Team

Media Production

Mock Trial Team

Model Congress

Model U.N. Club

Multicultural Club


National Honor Society

Rapping Poetic Club

Reality Check

SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)

SAFE (Student Alliance For Equality)

Science Honor Society

Science Olympiad

Senior Class

Social Studies Honor Society

Sophomore Class

Spring Valley NAACP Youth Council

Student Court

Success Team


The Tiger (School Newspaper)

Today's Students,
Tomorrow's Teachers (TSTT)

(Varsity Athletes Against Substance Abuse)


Youth Leadership Program

3 answers

Laruen -- you need to finish your English assignment or you won't get into any college.

It's not enough to join a bunch of clubs. What's important is the leadership and service you exhibit in the clubs you do join.
It's not a assignment it's a contest that my school is doing and I'm doing this for EXTRA CREDIT the deadline is dec 1st.

btw at my school we have builder clubs and roots and shoots. Roots and Shoots is a club when you help the WORLD (no joke), I'm doing it next year.

Also National Honor Socety do COMMUNITY SERVICE

I'm doing commesity service every year. I'm going to do it also outside of school (sometimes around high school). Plus in church they do some community service.

I'm joining some of those clubs sometimes in high school about 1 or 2 years NOT 4 YEARS. Multicural club do commenity serivce TOO.

It's just about commuitnity service all the time there is also adcamdamcis (srry i miss spell that)

Info Below about the contest:

•To motivate and encourage students to read
•7th grade students will compete against 8th grade students. The librarian will record the number of books read per students and per grade.

•Kick off September 12, 2011. Party December 2011.

•Students may read 5 books of their choice in order to join a "funtastic" party full of surprises and prizes in December. All students have the opportunity to keep a log of all books read. For every 5 books read and recorded, a student earns 5 extra points in their ELA quarterly.
•Students will complete online book logs. They can access the book logs online by going to the Library homepage and click on the tool bar icon "Battle of Books @ the Ridge" book log. Every student that reads 5 books and completes the book log, will be invited to a fun party in December. He will receive a prize and his name will be recognized on the loud speaker.
Don't "spread yourself too thin" with clubs, meaning that you need to leave sufficient time to do the required homework for all your classes.
