If-Elseif-Else Pseudocode and Flowchart


A store recently opened and offers different payment schemes. Mr. Serrano, the owner, wants a program for online shopping that will determine the total purchase of a customer based on their payment option.

Option 1: Cash – The customer will get a 10% discount

Option 2: Installment – The customer will have a 15% interest.

Option 3: Cash on Delivery (COD) – The customer needs

to pay 150 USD for the delivery fee.

Option 4: No payment selected – Please select payment option to process order.

How do I write this in Pseudocode and Flowchart?

1 answer

read amt
read opt
disc = interest = cod = 0
ok = 0
while (ok = 0)
if (opt = 1) {disc = 0.10 * amt ; ok = 1}
else if (opt = 2) {interest = 0.15 * amt ; ok = 1}
else if (opt = 3) {cod = 150 ; ok=1}
end while
charge = amt - disc + interest + cod

this will loop unless an option value of 1,2,3 is selected