If a person jumped off the side of a ship from 20 feet high what speed would they be travelling at when they impact the water?



6 answers

Use the formula

V = sqrt (2 g H)

g is the acceleration of gravity (9.8 m/s^2) and H is the height (20 m)
Thank you drwls but sorry just do not know where to begin.

I failed to notice that the height was H = 20 feet, not 20 m. 20 feet = 6.10 m

"sqrt (2gH)" means "square root of 2 x 9.8 x 6.1" in this case. The answer will be in units of meters per second. To get the answer in ft/s, use g = 32.2 ft/s^2 and H = 20 ft.

Just perform the calculation indicated. If you do not know how to perform calculations of this type as indicated by a formula, then I strongly advise you to seek the help of a tutor.
The part of the formula I am particularly confused about is the symbol used between the s and the 2 above?


If this answer is somewhere near correct I have understood the formula.

A person jumping off a ship from 20 feet above the water will impact the water at about 24.5 statute MPH?

V = sqrt (2*32.2 ft/s^2 *20 ft)
= 35.9 ft/s
multiply that by 15/22 to get miles per hour...
= 24.5 mph

Looks like you understand the formula and a lot more! Congratulations

I'm sorry if you didn't understand my sqrt (x) notation. It means the square root of x.