idont understand anything about the big idea of energy plz plz Help
3 answers
Scientists discovered in the middle of the nineteeth century that there is a way of defining certain quantities based upon location, velocity and configuration of matter and radiation, and "heat" content so that the total always stayed the same. Out of that came the law of conservation of energy. There are many types of energy and rules for calculating the amount of each type, but you don't need to know them all to appreciate the power of the method and the concept. The best I can do is refer you to other places to read, consitent with your grade level. You can do that kind of searching on your own. It is better if you come to use to ask more specific questions about what you do not understand.
Chapter 4 of The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 1, is the best desription I have ever seen of what Energy is all about. It is aimed at college freshmen, but surprisingly readable. You probably will not find it online, but should be in most college and some high school libraries.
Chapter 4 of The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 1, is the best desription I have ever seen of what Energy is all about. It is aimed at college freshmen, but surprisingly readable. You probably will not find it online, but should be in most college and some high school libraries.
If you go to and/or, you might be able to find part or all of the resource online that DrWLS has given you. If it's still under copyright or if you have to "belong" to a certain group or school to access the information, though, you won't be able to read any of it.
Go to your local or college library. You're much more likely to find it in one of those places.
Go to your local or college library. You're much more likely to find it in one of those places.